Peter Harris
Designing a New Vision of Sustainability
“Sustainability is like teenage sex… everyone says they’re doing it, but no one really is.” Say hello to Open State.
Interview with Filmmaker Isaac Blencowe
Interview with Tragedy & Hope filmmaker Isaac Blencowe, whose inspirational videos featuring Alan Watts and other speakers have touched millions.
Learn how the Cultural Creatives demographic keeps growing. A significant force ready to reshape society.
The Third Industrial Revolution
The “Third Industrial Revolution” (in which diminishing costs will hit the transportation, production and energy sectors) is coming.
Book Review: Russell Brand’s Revolution
At first glance, maybe jaded cynicism. Possibly guarded optimism and longing. All these feelings and more.
Quick Exit for the Super Rich?
“I know hedge fund managers all over the world are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway.”
Google – Search, Email, Docs and… Killer Robots
A diatribe against Google — from user spying to Julian Assange to recent revelations that a major line has been crossed — they’ve now become a defense contractor.
“How the 1 percent is hijacking mindfulness.” Hmmm, scarrrry. When I first heard that Jon Kabat-Zinn was doing mindfulness courses at Google…
Do you resonate with 10+ values on this list? Then you may be one of the Cultural Creatives.
Preparing for the Next Big Wave
What Napster was to content sharing, so will blockchain be to hundreds of new forms of digital exchange. Surf the Internet’s next big wave.